Open Hours:  Mon‑Fri  08:30 ‑17:00   WeekEnds: CLOSED
Call Now: +64  (03)  974 14 13      Mobile: 0204 74 24 24

Booking Confirmation

PC + Laptop Repairs CHCH > Booking Confirmation
Awesome! We have received your booking.

You should receive an email shortly confirming the date and time you just selected.

Our system will also send you a friendly reminder 2 hours prior to your booked time

We look forward to receiving your job then


Please Note:

Should you be unable to make your appointment at the time you booked kindly let us know by texting your name and write cancel to 0204 74 24 24.

We’ll cancel that one and then you can rebook a new appointment time later on once you are ready.



If your laptop needs a new screen and it is a touch screen model SORRY this can take longer to arrive as we would need order the correct touch screen components for your model.

If unsure email us a photo of the codes on the rear of the device or call us so we can check the model/serial of your device prior to you arriving just to be sure we can do the work for you. We can then reply via email back to you with the exact timeframe ETA and quote the cost to do your job.

You can send us an Email here:

If it is a NON Touch LCD screen then we have most sizes in stock and can do this within a few hours.




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PC + Laptop Repairs

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